Sunday, October 25, 2009

Huck Finn first post

The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn is already wuite an interesting book. Although I have only read the first five chapters I am captivated by the genius of it all. Since I am not that far into the book it would seem unfair to try and create a theme or moral from it but many things interested me.
The main character is a country boy who thinks logically and simply, "So then I judged that all that sruff was only just one of Tom Sawyer's lies. I reckon he believed in thet A-rabs and the elphants, but as for me I think different. It had all the marks of a Sunday-school." Just from that sentence you can see the character of Huck so well. He has his own spin on life but is willing to listen to new things. But if they don't match up to his idea of reality he just blows it off and forgets about it. It is actually quite comical to see him go through those thought processes.
Already I can see that Huck is a quick learner. At first he doesn't appreciate at all what the widow he is staying with does for him. He sees it all as pointless and not his type of life style. However, later on he begins to warm up to her and recognize what she can offer him and he tolerates her. This is tremendous growth from a young character in merely a few chapters so I can only imagine what will happend later on.
I can see that this book will have the potential to teach me, or "learn" me in the words of Huck, many things about life that I thought I already knew. I am very excited to get farther into the book and uncover some of the underlying messages that it can offer.